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The Second World War (WWII) was catastrophic for Europe and there was a desperate need to bring Germany and France together as the threat for another war this time with Russia loomed on the horizons. The pooling of the coal and steel industries of six European countries was brought into effect with the Treaty of Paris in 1951.

The European Economic Community (EEC) was established with the Treaty of Rome in 1957, later in 1993 to be renamed the European Union (EU).

The four main principles of the EEC were:

Free movement of goods and free access to sources of production; Permanent monitoring of the market to avoid distortions which could lead to the introduction of production quotas; Compliance with the rules of competition and the principle of price transparency; Support for modernisation and conversion of the coal and steel sectors.

Since that time the EEC has morphed into the European Union and has continued to expand in area to 4 million square kilometres, 27 countries and 446 million inhabitants. The third largest population area after China and India.

Today, the EU has become an all-consuming savage, devastating the democratic principles of its members, and squanders vast sums of money.

The European Commission isn't directly elected by citizens in the EU. But the President of the Commission needs to be approved  by Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who are elected by voters from member states. MEPs also vote on whether to approve Commissioners who are nominated by governments of the member states.

In 2018 the UK abatement was £4.5 billion. This means £15.5 billion was transferred from the UK government to the EU in official payments.

The EU is run by five main institutions: the European Council, the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Court of Justice. The European Council, which is the meeting place for heads of state or government, sets the EU's overall policy agenda and its priorities

Its often argued that the EU’s budget both has and hasn't  been signed off by auditors for years. Both sides have a point. The EU’s Court of Auditors regularly “signs off”—in its own words—the reliability of the accounts themselves, and has given them a clean bill of health for the last decade.

But it has consistently found significant errors in how the money is paid out since it began giving opinions in 1995, for the 1994 EU financial year. The exception to this is the most recent year. The latest report has, for the first time ever, found a significant amount of payments to be largely error-free. It found that “Payments for 2016 were legal and regular, except for cost reimbursement payments”.

At closer look at the EU reveals a path towards 'superstate' status with strong central powers and a slow degeneration of the individual country authority. It has become a political and cultural entity not what was first envisaged, a free-market area.

There is no reason for any member state to stay within the EU. Almost every member state has suffered at the hands of the brainless bureaucrats and their good intentions of avoiding a WW3.

Britain has become less reliant on itself and the British government defers continuously to Brussels.

The world is there for Great Britain to trade with and it can chose to avoid the pitfalls of 'Globalization' and grasp the opportunity to determine its future, look after the wellbeing of the 'British People' and create a more prosperous and balanced society.

Robin Jacob
Founder Member