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Great Britain along with its own defence spending contributes to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 2% of Great Britains GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

Defence spending: £45,900,000,000 (2021/22)
NATO Contributions: £54,400,000,000 (2022)

Great Britain is spending more on NATO than it is on its own defence. This was well worth it during the cold war although there is a war between Russia and Ukraine it doesn't seem that it is being spent wisely. NATO today seems not to be a good deal when political issues mat well cloud military decisions.

NATO and its allies are fighting a proxy-war, in Ukrainian and achieving very little except for keeping Putin in power.

The British military needs to be capable of defending Great Britain from attack, intervene wisely in civil wars and nation conflicts. A well trained, well equipped military that should really never be sent to war... but probably will.

‘Meeting jaw to jaw is better than war.’(Winston Churchill) Which should always be the first step to defuse conflict. When that doesn't work, war is inevitable and one sends British troops overseas, General George Patton quote fits in nicely; 'The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.”
